Short Skit Samples

Most short skits take three to eight minutes to perform. The theme, duration, and biblical text are listed below. Click SHOP to select your skits for purchase. Both samples below are available for free! We know you'll want to return to get more fun church plays when you see the progressive and fun way our playwrights have crafted them!

Sample Files

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"Little Children"

by Stephanie Becken

A fun short skit illustrating how God does not discriminate when it comes to age. 

  • Characters  5 - 7
  • Duration Approx. 5 Minutes
  • Text Matthew 19:13-15 (alt. RCL for Year B, Lent 2 or an excellent standalone text.) 

Click to view a sample.


by Jonathan Bing

The story of walking on water is often one about faith; with enough faith, anyone can walk out on a lake. It’s something, though, we’ve never seen, even from those we consider the most faithful.

This is because the story is also about God’s presence! When we have those moments of severe doubt or fear or failure, God’s hand is there to catch us and keep us safe. 

  • Characters  4 - 20
  • Duration Approx. 8 Minutes
  • Text Matthew 14:22-33